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Business’s terms and conditions


This T&C sheet provides an unfiltered look into the reality of embarking on a business journey. It aims to cut through the glamour and hype, emphasizing that success is uncertain and hard work is essential. Whether you’re starting or already on your way, this offers a dose of reality. If you’re willing to persist and adapt, you might find the journey quite rewarding despite its challenges.


Business: Whatever how you personally define it.
Success: Is the attainment of desired or predetermined goals or outcomes, where the realization of these goals can be measured and evaluated against specific criteria. In the context of this terms & conditions sheet, we will use the term ‘success’ for two purposes: building something objectively valuable or making a subjectively high amount of money. Some see success as a journey, and some see it as a destination.


  • You acknowledge that you are not special.
  • You acknowledge that there is no secret sauce for success.
  • A business plan does not guarantee success.
  • Customer satisfaction does not guarantee loyalty.
  • The bigger the goal, the less likely you can pull it off alone.
  • Just like customers, very few, if any, of your team will be loyal enough to stick around while you’re battling the storms.
  • You acknowledge that you will likely be defeated after the first strike.
  • If not, you will very likely be defeated after a few trials.
  • If not, then you will likely fail many times and learn many things; however, this does not mean that you will succeed.
  • If you persist and persevere, then you may succeed.
  • it’s commonly acknowledged that the older you get, the harder it gets to do many things.
  • When you decide to become an entrepreneur or start a business, you are implicitly asking for troubles.
  • Your life and work may become indistinguishable for an extended period of time.
  • No matter how much money you make, there is always a big chance that you will be back to zero.
  • Nothing can be said to be certain, except death and competition.
  • The world doesn’t owe you anything.
  • There is no legitimate success without hard work; even illegitimate success requires a certain amount of hard work.
  • Hard work doesn’t guarantee success; sometimes you can work yourself to death and get nothing in return, and it’s “just because.”, However, it’s common that the harder you work, the better your chances are for success.
  • It’s not about the idea; it’s about the execution.
  • Quick failure is the norm; success is common, but quick success is rare.
  • What worked for someone will not necessarily work for you, and what worked yesterday may not work today.
  • A high-quality product will not sell itself.
  • In your own time and at your own expense, you will need to learn how to distinguish between truth and fiction. For example, when you hear someone saying that “high risk equals high return,” it’s important to recognize the difference between a legitimate high-risk business venture that could lead to substantial rewards and a scammer who promises empty high returns.
  • Success is rarely a linear path. It involves ups and downs, challenges, and setbacks, and sometimes you will be bleeding to death.
  • Luck is an essential element in the path to success, but it is beyond your control and you have nothing to do about it.
  • As time passes, you may lose valuable things like time, health, and family. You may regret that you signed this terms & conditions sheet and embarked on the entrepreneurial journey. However, you may also regret that you did not sign. Nevertheless, regret is not that bad, especially if you had good reasons for your choice. Take your time and decide; just make sure that you make the best out of your time in case you decide not to embark on the entrepreneurial journey.
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